Sunday, 24 March 2013

First run of the new spring

Another set of Saturday plans ruined by the weather; and this time I couldn't save it from the early morning as I couldn't even get my car out of the drive.

So not another Fellsman reccie, but after coming back from a brilliant concert in Sheffield , I decided a nice run around the Rombald's Stride course would fill the afternoon. All the pictures and stories from friends running the day before hadn't really sunk in.

So I parked in Guiseley, and set off easily at first through Spring Wood,

and then up to the top of Baildon Moor,

Guy in shorts arriving at the same time, making me feel overdressed.
without hitting anything too snowy.

Leaving the summit I had my first head-first fall into an unexpected drift, although at this point I was still laughing. I then started off towards Weachers, hitting a long section of 2ft deep snow, then a series of drifts gradually getting higher and higher.

This is usually a racehorse gallop

This is usually a road. This was taller than me...insert your own joke here.
I had by now realised this wasn't going to be much of a training run, so wrapped up and headed across Ilkley Moor:
Leave nothing uncovered

Looks like a path, actually a 2ft deep channel of snow

Reaching the ridge near Lanshaw Lad, the wind suddenly hit, and despite now wearing just about everything from my rucksack, my hands were starting to really hurt with the cold.

At this point I realised I hadn't brought enough cash for a train back to my start point, and was contemplating the long cold trip back, when in the middle of nowhere I saw a folded £20 note resting on the snow. There was no-one in sight so I took this as a sign to give up and picked up a bit to run back down to Ilkley train station and the easy way out.
The way home
Not much good as a training session, but I did learn two useful things. Carry more money and carry more gloves.

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